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2024-2025 Scholarship Information

This is to remind you that the application process for the CWA Joe Beirne Foundation’s scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year will close on April 30, 2024.

Attached you will find a copy of the Beirne Foundation scholarship rules, along with a copy of the poster that can be distributed to members and posted on the local websites.

The Foundation’s Board of Directors has approved the awarding of sixteen (16) partial college scholarships of $4,000 each for two years.  Eligible for the scholarships are CWA members, their spouses, children, and grandchildren, including the dependents of retired, laid-off, or deceased members.

Applications will be available solely online for submission on the Foundation’s website at


This valuable scholarship program is made possible by the funding of CWA locals.  For those locals not yet participating in funding the Beirne scholarships, I urge you to do so.  Financial arrangements can be made to accommodate your local’s needs.

For more information and assistance, please call 202.434.1123.

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