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Official Notice 2023 CWA Local 4340 Elections

                                             Official Notice for the
                      Nomination and Election of Officers for CWA Local 4340.
      Please note the important dates below for the Nomination and Election Process.

September 5,2023:
Nominating Petitions and explanation available for pick-up at 10:00 am at 1400 E. Schaaf Rd, Brooklyn Heights OH, 44131

September 22,2023:

Valid Nomination Petitions must be received by certified mail to the CWA Local 4340 Election Committee  P.O Box.                                                                                                                                                   

September 25,2023:                                                                                                                              Verification  Verification of petitions and Notification to Candidates

October 2, 2023:

Ballots will be mailed to the membership.  If you do not receive your ballot within 10 business days please contact the Union Hall @ 216-635-4340

November 3, 2023:
Ballots must be returned to CWA Local 4340 Election Committee P.O. Box

November 6, 2023:

Ballots will be tabulated at the Union Hall and results certified  

Bob Mastrodonato
Election Committee Chairman   

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