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Important news for rural AT&T landline customers

November 7 will be an important day if you are a rural AT&T landline customer. On that date, AT&T, in concert with Wall Street, plans to announce the future of its rural and "tier two-smaller city" landline business.

Click here to read the entire article.



What is SB271 (Senate Bill 271)?

A. SB271 is a bill that passed thru the Senate and is currently in the House of Representatives that takes landline service out of the consumers hand in competitive areas across Ohio. In any area that VOIP (INTERNET PHONE SERVICE) can be used Telecommunications companies don't have to offer traditional landline service.

Click here for more details


STOP the Voter Disenfranchisement Plan

The Ohio State House and Senate are at it again, infringing on our most sacred right as Americans: the right to vote. They are pushing for policies that will make it more difficult for Ohioans to vote and make fewer votes count. There are two Republican voter disenfranchisement bills, HB 194 and SB 148, that we must fight by taking immediate action.

Here are the three main points you need to know about the Republican voter disenfranchisement plan:

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Colombia Trade Agreement Needs Further Discussion and Revision

In Colombia, just 100,000 workers out of 20 million have bargaining rights. 85% of working Colombians are misclassified as contractors and “cooperativos.” These millions of workers don’t have bargaining rights and also are denied health care benefits and retirement security because they don’t have “employee status.”  

The proposed free trade agreement calls for both the United States and Colombia to adopt the five fundamental rights outlined by the International Labor Organization, which include the right to form and join a union and the right to collective bargaining. The U.S. Congress has not adopted these conventions and is unlikely to do so now. And even if the Colombian government approved these fundamental rights, the proposed agreement has no real enforcement provisions.  


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